Inheritance laws in Islam


Inheritance in Islam is one of the important rulings established by Allah, the Exalted, in the Holy Quran. The laws of inheritance are considered a foundation of social justice in Islam, ensuring that each member of the family receives their rightful inheritance according to the provisions of Sharia. Additionally, Islam limits the violation of others' rights by distributing inheritance in a fair manner.

The shares of the heirs vary based on the degree of kinship, where children receive specified shares, as do the husband or wife, and other relatives such as parents and grandparents may also have a share in the estate. The distribution of inheritance can change if there is a will, but it must not exceed a third of the estate.


The Holy Quran: Surah An-Nisa, Verse 11.

Sahih al-Bukhari: Hadith No. 6733.


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